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Risks From Heavy Metals in Tampons

With Contaminated Tampon Investigations Underway, Anapol Weiss’ Product Liability Lawyers Are Carefully Following Potential Risks

Recent research findings of heavy metals in tampons are alarming news, especially given that more than half of menstruating women use these feminine hygiene products regularly. Millions of Americans are now worried about the safety of their tampons. While investigations into the cause of tampon contamination and the long-term effects of exposure to heavy metals through this means are ongoing, Anapol Weiss’s product liability lawyers are here to ensure consumers understand what’s already known about heavy metals in tampons.

While researchers and regulators explore this issue, women who use tampons have numerous questions. If you believe you may have been negatively affected by exposure to heavy metals in tampons, you should discuss these developments with your doctor and consult product liability attorneys for guidance on protecting your legal rights. Our team offers free consultations that allow you to have your situation evaluated. Contact us today to speak to a seasoned attorney.

The Discovery of Heavy Metals in Tampons

In August 2024, researchers at the University of California - Berkeley announced findings of more than a dozen heavy metals in tampons. This study was the first to measure toxic metals in tampons. Its findings—that measurable levels of all 16 metals the researchers tested for existed in tampons—are concerning. Even women who consistently use organic tampons aren’t safe from potential exposure, as the researchers found both lead and arsenic in organic as well as non-organic tampons.

FDA Action in Contaminated Tampon Investigations

The news of heavy metal contamination of tampons has caught the attention of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). This federal agency is responsible for regulating the safety of tampons, which it classifies as medical devices, but it does not currently test tampons for chemical contaminants.

On September 10, 2024, the FDA announced that it had both commissioned an independent literature review and initiated an internal bench laboratory study to further explore issues related to heavy metals in tampons. Through these contaminated tampon investigations, the FDA hopes to learn the following:

  • Whether heavy metals found in tampons are released during use
  • If so, whether these toxic metals are absorbed into the vaginal lining and bloodstream

The findings of these contaminated tampon investigations can help regulators, consumers, and medical and legal professionals better understand the risks these heavy metals pose to women across the United States.

The Potential Impact of Heavy Metals in Tampons

The potential risks of exposure to heavy metals through contaminated tampons are still under investigation. Our product liability attorneys recognize that if research concludes that heavy metals can, in fact, be absorbed into the body from tampons, the resulting female health concerns could be significant.

While the long-term effects of exposure to heavy metals through tampons, specifically, are not yet known, the negative repercussions of exposure to heavy metals more generally are well established. Increased risks of cancer and reproductive issues are among the known consequences of exposure to heavy metals.

Worth noting, too, is that the placement of tampons could potentially add to the concerns over health risks related to heavy metal contamination. The vaginal tissue has a higher potential for chemical absorption generally, and this potential could exacerbate the impact of heavy metal exposure through tampons.

Tampons are widely used, with between 52% and 86% of menstruating women in the United States turning to these hygiene products to manage menstruation. Tampon users insert the products for hours at a time over the course of multiple days every month throughout their menstruating years. Women use between 10,000 and 15,000 tampons, on average, over the course of a lifetime. Given the extensive and long-term use of tampons, the presence of heavy metals, including those to which no level of exposure is low enough to be safe, is clearly a cause for concern.

Although concerning, researchers’ findings in this matter are an important first step to understanding what safety risks, if any, tampons contaminated with heavy metals could present. Further investigation, as announced by the FDA and undertaken by others in the scientific community, is needed to develop a better understanding of the potential risks and long-term health impacts of exposure to heavy metals through tampon use.

Whether such research could eventually support product liability claims on behalf of women who attribute conditions like cancer and reproductive issues to the use of contaminated tampons remains to be seen. In the meantime, the defective product attorneys at Anapol Weiss will be following these developments closely.

Contact Anapol Weiss for Help Understanding What Options May Be Available to You Regarding Injuries From Heavy Metals in Tampons

The parameters for potential claims arising out of heavy metals in tampons are still undefined, but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from getting legal advice. Anapol Weiss is here to help women who believe they may have been negatively affected by exposure to contaminated tampons explore their options.

Our team is known for standing up for what’s right and taking on major corporations. We have a history of holding product manufacturers liable for the harm their products cause, and we have recovered billions of dollars for our clients, including verdicts amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars for injuries arising out of defective transvaginal mesh implants. As a law firm with significant female leadership, we understand on a personal level how worrying concerns over heavy metals in tampons are, and we’re willing to take action.

As nationally known legal leaders, we’re not just waiting passively for the results of lengthy investigations while those potentially harmed by unsafe products suffer without support. Our team is prepared to begin interviewing women who believe they may have suffered injuries due to contaminated tampon use. If it is determined that tampons can cause injuries in this way, we’re well-equipped to represent women harmed by heavy metal exposure.

For guidance from experienced product liability lawyers, contact Anapol Weiss online or call 215-608-9645 today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Heavy Metal Contamination of Tampons