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Depo Provera Lawsuit

Depo-Provera Lawsuit AttorneysDepo-Provera Lawsuit Attorneys

Seasoned Depo Provera Lawsuit Attorney Protecting Women Throughout the United States Through Pharmaceutical Liability Claims

On the heels of recent research findings that link a widely used birth control shot to brain tumors, the nationwide Depo Provera lawsuit attorneys at Anapol Weiss have taken action by filing nine lawsuits (as of January 2025) against Pfizer, the manufacturer of Depo-Provera.

Women who developed tumors from using this popular contraceptive deserve maximum compensation for their severe neurological symptoms, the ordeal of undergoing brain surgery, and their challenging physical recoveries. We’re here to get them results.

In October 2024, The Women’s Health Litigation Team at Anapol Weiss filed a lawsuit against Pfizer on behalf of a woman who used Depo-Provera for a prolonged period and developed a brain tumor. As a trusted Depo Provera lawsuit attorney, Anapol Weiss is preparing additional lawsuits on behalf of other women who developed meningiomas after using Depo-Provera for a prolonged period.

Leaders on this litigation include: Kila Baldwin, Kristen Gibbons Feden, Tracy Finken Magnotta, and Shayna Slater. To get your Depo Provera lawsuit case started with a free consultation, contact us today.

Depo-Provera Lawsuit AttorneysDepo-Provera Lawsuit Attorneys

What to Do If You Have a History of Depo-Provera Use

Despite the alarming findings of an association between the use of the contraceptive injection and brain tumors, women who take Depo-Provera don’t need to panic.

If you haven’t been diagnosed with the type of brain and spinal tumor linked to the birth control shot, it’s worth speaking to your doctor about the risks and benefits of this form of contraception. Your doctor can help you assess any symptoms that could potentially indicate a brain tumor, including headaches, hearing loss, and vision changes. Depending on your specific situation, your doctor can advise you on any tests or screenings that may be right for you.

Women who have been diagnosed with brain tumors following the use of the birth control shot may be entitled to financial compensation through a Depo Provera lawsuit. Even with health insurance, the tests and treatments required for your situation can create a significant financial burden. The pain and suffering you experience and the frustratingly long road to recovery all affect your life in significant ways. You deserve compensation for all of those losses, and experienced nationwide Depo Provera lawsuit attorneys can pursue this compensation for you.

Brain Tumors Linked to Depo-Provera Birth Control Shot

Between one million and two million women use the birth control injection medroxyprogesterone acetate, better known by the brand name Depo-Provera, each year in the United States. The widespread use of this form of contraception makes the conclusions researchers announced in 2024 all the more concerning.

What Is Depo-Provera?

Through injections administered every three months, this synthetic form of the hormone progesterone prevents pregnancy through numerous mechanisms:

  • Preventing ovulation
  • Thickening cervical mucus
  • Thinning the lining of the uterus to prevent pregnancy

Depo-Provera is also used to treat endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and abnormal uterine bleeding. As a long-acting method of birth control that avoids the need to take daily pills, Depo-Provera injections have become popular for their convenience.

The Increased Risk of Brain Tumors in Women Who Used Depo-Provera

As a team of French researchers reported in a large-scale study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in March 2024, using Depo-Provera for a year or longer is associated with an increased risk of developing brain tumors known as meningiomas. Through their study of more than 100,000 women, researchers discovered a significant increase in risk, amounting to 5.6-fold, associated with the use of Depo-Provera for longer than one year.

Meningiomas are tumors that start in the meninges, which are the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. Although most meningiomas are benign, they can still be life-changing.

Women who develop meningiomas can experience symptoms as severe as hearing loss, vision changes, seizures, and neurological deficits. Brain or spinal surgery, which can carry its own considerable risks, is often required to treat these tumors. Women who develop meningiomas following long-term use of the Depo-Provera birth control shot may also undergo radiation therapy. Again, this treatment carries significant potential side effects.

For women affected by the increased risk of developing meningiomas associated with long-term use of Depo-Provera shots, this suffering was largely preventable.

How Anapol Weiss Can Help

Patients harmed by this medication deserve compensation, and the manufacturers of medroxyprogesterone acetate birth control shots deserve to face the consequences. The team at Anapol Weiss is committed to seeking these results for our clients through a Depo Provera lawsuit.

A Depo Provera lawsuit attorney is prepared to hold the pharmaceutical company liable while advocating for your rights and maximum compensation at every stage of the legal process. With the professional resources our Depo-Provera attorneys devote to investigating claims and our extensive trial experience, you can approach the legal process with confidence.

Why Choose Anapol Weiss as Your Nationwide Depo-Provera Lawsuit Attorneys?

Taking on major pharmaceutical companies through the civil legal process isn’t simple. You’re going to need legal help from an experienced Depo Provera lawsuit attorney to make pharmaceutical liability class action lawsuits for Depo-Provera shots as successful as possible. Find out why women across the country are choosing Anapol Weiss to represent them.

Representation for Women, by Women

The Depo-Provera attorneys at Anapol Weiss are committed to holding pharmaceutical manufacturers accountable for the harm that dangerous contraceptive medicines cause women. Our team of more than two dozen experienced attorneys features significant female leadership, so you can rest assured that your nationwide Depo-Provera lawsuit attorneys understand the health consequences you’re dealing with on both personal and professional levels.

Nationally Recognized Leadership for Mass Tort and Product Liability Claims

Put your Depo Provera lawsuit case in the hands of legal leaders known for winning complex mass tort cases against manufacturers and other commercial defendants. At Anapol Weiss, our reputation for leadership is well-deserved, with numerous members of our team having served in significant roles in multidistrict litigations nationwide.

Legal Assistance at No Upfront Cost

Our Depo-Provera Attorneys ensure women harmed by the birth control shot never have to make sacrifices to afford the legal help their claims require. By representing injured patients on a contingency basis, we’re able to provide skilled representation without upfront costs, eliminating the obstacles that keep you from getting the guidance and advocacy you can trust from a reputable Depo Provera lawsuit attorney.

Contact the Nationwide Depo-Provera Lawsuit Attorneys at Anapol Weiss Today for a Free Case Review

Don’t let another day go by without taking action. You have the right to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for brain and spinal tumors associated with the birth control shot through a Depo Provera lawsuit. With us on your side, you also have the legal knowledge, professional resources, and dedicated advocacy to attain maximum compensation.

For help from Depo-Provera lawsuit lawyers who are committed to fighting for women nationwide, contact Anapol Weiss online or call 866-609-7331 today.

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To Learn More, Please Read Our Blogs on Depo-Provera

January 2025

December 2024

November 2024

October 2024

September 2024

Most Recent Developments in the Depo-Provera Meningioma Tumor Lawsuits

January 2025

January 30, 2025: Anapol Weiss Depo-Provera lawsuit attorneys, led by Tracy Finken Magnotta, appeared before the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation to support an MDL for over 20 lawsuits concerning Depo-Provera in the Northern District of California.

January 29, 2024: HarrisMartin's MDL Conference: Depo-Provera and Current MDL Cases. Tracy Finken Magnotta of Anapol Weiss presents on "Depo Provera: Epidemiology, History of the Drug and Case Criteria" panel. Finken is one of the lead attorneys in the December 10, 2024 motion filed before the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation to coordinate over 20 lawsuits concerning Depo-Provera in the Northern District of California.

January 24, 2025: Anapol Weiss filed a federal lawsuit in California on behalf of Lisa Fabrizio, Ericka Garcia, and Evette Sandoval, who developed meningioma tumors after prolonged use of Depo-Provera.

January 20, 2025: University of St. Andrews lecture, "Beyond the Shot: The Complex History of Depo-Provera and Endometriosis," Dr Jaipreet Virdi, historian of medicine, technology, and disability at the University of Delaware

January 17, 2025: The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority has advised that the product information for medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) be updated to include revised safety warnings, including the risk of meningioma. MPA-containing products registered in South Africa included Pfizer's Depo-Provera injections.

January 3rd, 2025: Anapol Weiss filed a federal lawsuit in Virginia on behalf of Holli Burket who developed meningioma tumors after prolonged use of Depo-Provera.

December 2024

December 29, 2024: Australia Broadcasting Network reports that Pfizer faces a possible class action in Australia after contraceptive Depo-Provera linked to brain tumours.

December 18th, 2024: Anapol Weiss filed a federal lawsuit in California on behalf of Melissa Garner-Lee who developed meningioma tumors after prolonged use of Depo-Provera.

December 11th, 2024: Anapol Weiss filed a federal lawsuit in California on behalf of Christine Armstrong who developed meningioma tumors after prolonged use of Depo-Provera.

December 10, 2024: Anapol Weiss filed a motion before the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation to coordinate over 20 lawsuits concerning Depo-Provera in the Northern District of California.

November 2024

November 23, 2024: The United Kingdon's Essex Magazine publishes "The Safety Lapses That Led Pfizer to Face Lawsuits Over Its Drugs," with the following excerpt: "Depo-Provera, commonly referred to as “the birth control shot,” is widely used by over 74 million women worldwide. Despite its popularity, the drug is now under legal scrutiny due to its potential connection to rare brain tumors called meningiomas."

November 22, 2024: Anapol Weiss filed a federal lawsuit in the Northern District of California on behalf of Rachel Valera-Arceo, who developed a meningioma tumor after prolonged use of Depo-Provera.

November 19, 2024: Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Federal Register notice regarding the Withdrawal of Approval of 26 New Drug Applications, including "Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) Injectable, 100 milligrams (mg)/milliliter (mL) and 400 mg/mL." Federal Register Vol. 89, No. 223.

November 8, 2024: Anapol Weiss filed a federal lawsuit in the Central District of California on behalf of LaTosha White, who developed a meningioma tumor after prolonged use of Depo-Provera.

November 5, 2024: Bloomberg Law article entitled "Pfizer Accused of Hiding Contraceptive's Brain Tumor Link," reporting on the federal complaint filed by Taylor Devorak in the Central District of California. Devorak is seeking damages on her failure-to-warn, defective design, negligence, misrepresentation, and breach of warranty claims. Read the article here.

October 2024

October 28, 2024: Anapol Weiss filed a federal lawsuit in the Central District of California on behalf of Kathleen Fazio, who developed a meningioma tumor after prolonged use of Depo-Provera.

October 7, 2024: interviews Anapol Weiss shareholder Kila Baldwin about the likelihood of a major mass tort action by women who developed meningiomas after prolonged use of Depo-Provera. Read about the article here.

October 2024: A study from the University of Cincinnati analyzed 64 premenopausal women under the age of 55 who underwent radiation for intracranial meningiomas. The key findings include:(1) 55% of participants experienced visual deficits related to tumor complications; (2) 52% of the women had a history of hormonal contraceptive use, with 36% specifically using unopposed progesterone-only contraceptives; and (3) Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) use was disproportionately high among patients with visual deficits. The study concluded that progesterone use, particularly Depo-Provera, was a significant risk factor for meningioma-related visual deficits. Women using these contraceptives were 12 times more likely to experience vision problems compared to non-users. Read more about the study here.

October 1, 2024: The first federal lawsuit was filed demanding compensation from Pfizer on behalf of women who used Depo-Provera and were diagnosed with meningioma tumors.

September 2024

September 2024: A significant study published in the journal Cancers revealed a troubling link between the prolonged use of Depo-Provera, an injectable contraceptive containing depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (dMPA), and an increased risk of developing cerebral meningiomas. The large-scale case-control study analyzed over 117,000 meningioma cases and more than one million matched controls using data spanning 2006–2022. It found that “injection exposure” to medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) was associated with a 53% increase in the risk of developing meningiomas, with the risk becoming stronger with prolonged use. Read more about the study here.

March 2024

March 2024: In response to the study published in The BMJ (see entry below), Pfizer stated: “We are aware of this potential risk.” Read the quote, as published in The Guardian, here.

March 2024: A study published in The BMJ found that prolonged use of certain progestogens, such as medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera), is associated with an increased risk of intracranial meningioma. Researchers found that Depo-Provera raised the risk of developing intracranial meningiomas, generally benign brain tumors, by 5.6-fold. Read more about the study here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Depo-Provera Lawsuit Claims