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Philadelphia Bad Faith Insurance Attorneys

Bad Faith Insurance Claim Lawyers in Philadelphia, PA

Insurance companies exist to provide peace of mind in the form of financial coverage for the unforeseen. Auto insurance coverage is meant to provide drivers with financial aid in the event of a car accident. Health coverage provides upfront payment or reimbursement for medical treatment. Life insurance policies help loved ones handle economic losses after the policy holder passes away.

Regardless of what type of insurance they provide, insurers provide peace of mind in the event of injury, death, or property damage. However, they are also in business to make money. Thus, they try to avoid paying out on claims (or pay as little as possible) in some situations.

This avoidance results in what is called “bad faith” when insurers violate their duty to fair dealing and good faith during claims investigation. Put simply, If an insurer doesn’t work with you honestly, their bad faith insurance practices require legal action from lawyers who will fight on your behalf.

At the Philadelphia law firm of Anapol Weiss, we stand up to insurance carriers. Our bad faith insurance attorneys have won multi-million dollar awards and settlements for their clients and have been named in the Best Lawyers in America for the category of Insurance Law. reach out to us today at Anapol Weiss and set up your free consultation (866) 670-4704.

Obtaining Your Settlement in a Bad Faith Insurance Claim

Winning an insurance bad faith claim in court is generally very difficult. Laws that determine what constitutes a valid claim vary from state to state, and insurance companies typically retain large legal teams. However, insurance companies will often decide that a settlement is more cost-effective in the long run than a prolonged court battle. When insurance companies agree to come to the settlement table to discuss terms, it means that they are ready to move past the situation and that a more attractive policy payout is more likely.

One of the best steps you can take after encountering anything resembling bad faith from an insurer is to speak with a competent and reliable personal injury attorney. Insurance likely plays a role in the bigger picture, and an attorney will help you navigate the legal entanglements of your situation. Attempting to take on insurance companies in court without a reliable attorney is not recommended.

Conversations With Adjusters

Your insurance policies are essentially paid promises that the insurance company will settle any future claims for covered events in good faith. In some instances, an insurance claim adjuster may disagree with you about how much a legitimate claim is actually worth and argue that paying out your full policy coverage amount isn’t justified. This isn’t necessarily acting in bad faith – insurance companies are businesses and they need to ensure that they aren’t paying out on policies frivolously. However, if the adjuster cannot or will not provide sound evidence or any specific reasons for a lower-than-expected offer, the adjuster may be acting in bad faith.

Extreme examples of insurance adjusters acting in bad faith could include tampering with witnesses, fraudulent paperwork submissions, withholding evidence, or outright lies. Behaviors like these would be somewhat difficult to hide, so if you suspect an adjuster has engaged in any such activity, it’s time to meet with an experienced attorney.

Starting Your Bad Faith Insurance Case

Your attorney will sit down with you and discuss your situation and your interactions with insurance adjusters. If your attorney believes that grounds for an insurance bad faith case exist, he or she will likely recommend sending a written letter to the insurance company, claiming bad faith.

In many cases, doing this is enough to get the attention of the insurance company. If there is any room to suspect bad faith dealings, the insurance company will more than likely spur their adjuster to offering a more acceptable payout on your policy. If an insurance company is found to have acted in bad faith, it stands to lose a great deal of money in damages – typically much more than it would have to pay out on your policy. If contention between you and the insurance company leads to a lawsuit, the insurance company will usually attempt to settle the matter quickly and quietly.

Free Case Review With a Philadelphia Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer

If you’ve encountered any bad faith activity from an insurance adjuster in Philadelphia, you should know where to turn for legal help. At Anapol Weiss, our personal injury attorneys are dedicated to comprehensive and personalized legal representation for every client. Our experienced insurance lawyers have years of experience in trial law and can navigate Pennsylvania’s complex legal system. We’ll fight for you and get you the compensation you deserve.

Contact our team for more information about bad faith insurance cases in Pennsylvania or to schedule a free case evaluation about your case.