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Philadelphia Sexual Abuse Lawyers

Let Us Help You Get Justice

Tragically, each day we learn of more and more sexual abuse cases and the egregious cover-ups by organizations in Pennsylvania. Sexual abuse of children or adults is traumatic and often results in long-term effects on victims. The Philadelphia sexual abuse lawyers at Anapol Weiss will stand up for victims and fight tirelessly to hold perpetrators accountable and get justice for our clients.

Large institutions, including the Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts, and Penn State University, among others, have concealed years of sexual abuse and engaged in cover-ups.

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Do You Have Legal Questions?

Sexual Abuse Is Both A Civil And A Criminal Crime

In the legal landscape, the statute of limitations serves as a critical gateway to justice, dictating the timeframe within which one must initiate legal action. For minors and victims of sexual abuse, Pennsylvania law carves out protective extensions, acknowledging the gravity of sexually abusive trauma. Specifically, victims of sexual abuse under 18 years old have until 37 years after reaching majority age to file a claim, while those aged 18 to 23 have until their 30th birthday. For individuals 24 years of age and older, a more stringent 2-year statute of limitations is typically in place. Understanding these time-sensitive parameters is pivotal for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of civil law, ensuring that procedural timelines do not inadvertently thwart the pursuit of justice.

What To Expect In A Sex Abuse Lawsuit

Anapol Weiss is a personal injury law firm that manages the civil aspect of lawsuits for sexual abuse. Civil sexual abuse cases, whether for children or adults, are litigated as negligence cases. Our Philadelphia sexual abuse lawyers work to prove that the institution or business breached its duty to protect the victim from a foreseeable risk of harm. Compensation in sexual abuse cases is for the pain and suffering and lost income of the victims of abuse.

We Hold Abusers Accountable

Often, individuals are victimized in the very places they rely upon for care. Abuse can happen anywhere, including in what should be a safe environment by the people they place their trust in. We work to obtain compensation for victims who have been harmed in numerous situations, including:

  • Healthcare Providers: We aggressively pursue justice for victims of assault in nursing homes, hospitals, psychiatric and group homes, and rehabilitation facilities. Our goal is clear: to ensure those harmed receive the justice they deserve and the care they need. We leave no stone unturned in our quest to hold negligent healthcare providers accountable.
  • Educational Institutions: Our firm takes a no-holds-barred approach to holding schools and colleges accountable for sexual assaults within their walls. We demand rigorous enforcement of safety measures and fight tooth and nail to ensure the rights of students are not just recognized but respected and protected.
  • Residential Facilities: We fiercely advocate for the rights of individuals in residential settings, from apartment complexes to gated communities and senior living facilities. Our commitment is to secure a safe living environment for all, challenging and defeating negligence at every turn.
  • Property, Commercial Entities, and the Hospitality Industry: We specialize in confronting property and hotel owners who neglect the safety of their guests and tenants. Our expertise is in crafting legal strategies that not only seek justice but also drive home the importance of stringent safety measures to prevent future assaults.
  • Community and Religious Organizations: Our track record includes rigorous litigation against churches, religious institutions, summer camps, and youth recreation programs. We expose negligence and demand accountability, standing firmly with victims to ensure their voices are heard and their suffering acknowledged.
  • Camps and Daycare Centers: Protecting our youngest and most vulnerable is a cause we champion with unwavering commitment. We fight to ensure that summer camps and daycare centers are not just nurturing but also rigorously safe environments.
  • Religious Institutions: We are unflinching in our pursuit of justice against religious institutions that harbor abuse. Our approach is thorough and uncompromising, bringing wrongdoing to light and seeking healing and justice for victims.

What To Expect With Anapol Weiss

Anapol Weiss has the experience and expertise to handle your case with care. Shareholder Kristen Feden, known as the prosecutor who “stared down Bill Cosby,” leads Anapol’s sexual abuse practice. Feden has been representing sexual assault victims in civil suits ever since she left her job as a prosecutor, during which time she delivered the world-renowned closing argument in the second Commonwealth v. William H. Cosby trial, which resulted in his conviction. While most of the awards Feden wins for her clients are confidential, she recently, in 2023, won a $22 million verdict in a sexual assault case in New York. Among other outcomes we can share, her determined efforts have led to a $10.3 million award to survivors of terroristic threats, a $6.5 million settlement against a retail commercial entity for a sexual abuse survivor, and a $1 million settlement against an educational institution for a sexual abuse survivor. Additionally, other firm victories for clients include a $22 million verdict and a $27 million verdict for sexual abuse survivors, both attained in early 2024, against the same New York pediatrician involved in one of Feden’s prior eight-figure verdicts.

You’re Not Alone

Don’t wait to reach out to us. We can help you get the justice you deserve. Our Philadelphia sexual abuse lawyers always put the needs of our clients first, and we will remain by your side throughout the litigation process. Consultations are always free and confidential, and we don’t earn a penny unless we win money for you. Contact us today.

We do not just practice law. We fight for what's right. Join us in our mission to protect, advocate, and win.