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Philadelphia Assault Injury Lawyers

Our Abuse Victims Compensation Attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, Help Clients Hold the Institutions that Allowed their Assault to Occur Financially Responsible

Causing intentional physical harm to a person is unlawful in Pennsylvania, but criminal charges aren’t the only consequences abusers can face. Many victims of abuse and assault in Philadelphia don’t realize they also have the option of holding those that positioned or enabled the abuser to engage in unwanted and physically harmful conduct legally and financially responsible for the harm they have caused through civil legal action.

At Anapol Weiss, our attorneys hold institutions and individuals accountable for assault and abuse through civil lawsuits. The compensation we pursue on behalf of our clients allows them to afford their medical care, make up for the income they lost while out of work, and take their lives back.

If you’re ready to find out more about suing your abuser or the institution that enabled the assault and resulting harm you suffered to occur, contact us today for a confidential, free consultation.

Assault & Abuse Cases in Philadelphia, PA

The breadth of different forms of assault and abuse and the propensity of abusers to commit violence behind closed doors make it difficult to quantify just how prevalent it is in Philadelphia. However, looking at data can offer fractured glimpses of the picture of assault and abuse cases in Philly.

Domestic violence, in particular, is on the rise in Philadelphia. According to public media organization WHYY, domestic assaults made up nearly 40% of all violent assaults in the City of Philadelphia between 2017 and 2022.

Institutional abuse lawsuit settlements that have made headlines in Philadelphia in recent years have included religious institutions like the Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia, residential reform school Glen Mills Schools, and even community umbrella agency Tabor Community Partners. Some of these cases involved sexual abuse or child neglect, as well as physical assault.

Areas Our Philadelphia Assault Injury Lawyers Serve

Abuse and assault can occur anywhere in Philadelphia, so the personal injury attorneys at Anapol Weiss serve clients throughout the city.

We represent people who have been abused or assaulted from Northwest neighborhoods like Germantown and East Germantown to South Philly neighborhoods such as East Passyunk and Pennsport, and of course, in Logan Square, home of our office’s Center City location.

What Is Physical Abuse?

Physical abuse is defined as intentional and deliberate bodily injury inflicted upon a person. Abuse often refers to a prolonged pattern of aggression and violence rather than a singular assault.

Actions that constitute physical abuse or assault may involve a weapon, but they don’t have to.

Physical abuse may encompass any of the following forms of physical violence, among others:

  • Forcefully restraining
  • Punching
  • Slapping
  • Hitting
  • Kicking
  • Beating
  • Pushing
  • Shoving
  • Pinching
  • Shaking
  • Arm twisting
  • Dragging
  • Hair pulling
  • Strangling
  • Choking
  • Biting
  • Force-feeding any substance, including drugs
  • Striking with a weapon or another object
  • Cutting
  • Stabbing
  • Burning

Physical abuse and assault can cause significant injury. Painful heat or friction burns, broken bones, wounds that leave scars, and head trauma are among the serious injuries a victim of physical abuse may suffer.

The longer the abuse continues, the more severely it may affect the victim’s life. Abuse victims may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health concerns in connection with the violence imposed against them. Other forms of abuse, such as emotional abuse and sexual abuse, may accompany physical abuse and assault.

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Do You Have Legal Questions?

Who Gets Abused?

Any person may be a victim of abuse. Abuse victims include women, men, children, the elderly, and people of all races, national origins, sexual orientations, gender identities, and socioeconomic status.

In many (but not all) instances, victims of abuse are vulnerable in some way. For example, victims of abuse often fit into the following populations:

  • Children
  • The elderly
  • The disabled
  • Patients in mental hospitals, general hospitals, and other healthcare facilities
  • New students, employees, and applicants pledging fraternities and other membership organizations
  • Inmates

Coming forward when you have been abused may not be easy. That’s exactly why you need our knowledgeable and compassionate Philadelphia abuse injury lawyers on your side. We handle these challenging claims with the utmost sensitivity and professionalism so you can feel supported throughout the process of holding your abuser accountable.

Kinds of Abuse and Assault Cases Our Victims Compensation Attorneys Handle

The Philadelphia assault injury lawyers at Anapol Weiss represent victims who suffered abuse at the hands of individuals as well as institutions.

Examples of the different types of abuse and assault cases we handle include the following:

Child Abuse

Children may suffer abuse from an authority figure they are expected to obey, including:

  • Parental figures and other family members
  • Teachers and daycare personnel
  • Coaches
  • Clergy members
  • Activity leaders
  • Doctors and other healthcare practitioners

Physical child abuse can leave marks like cuts, bruises, and broken bones, but that isn’t always the case. If you believe your child is being abused, it’s a wise idea to bring in professional medical and legal help to address the situation and protect your child from potential further harm.

Nursing Home and Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is a significant problem in Philadelphia and across Pennsylvania. Often, physical elder abuse occurs at the hands of a caretaker, which makes it difficult for the victim to get help or escape the abuse.

Particularly at risk are elderly patients at the mercy of their caregivers in nursing homes. Elder abuse may also occur at the victim’s own home, perpetrated by home health care professionals or other professional or family caregivers.

Patient Abuse

Patients of all ages are vulnerable to potential abuse in healthcare facilities, where they are under the supervision and, to some extent, the authority of hospital personnel.

This is particularly true of patients in inpatient mental hospitals, in which they may not be able to leave of their own volition and may also face the threat of abuse from their fellow patients.

Hazing Abuse

Hazing is a term used to describe tasks, challenges, activities, or other demands placed on new recruits to an organization. Although hazing rituals are often done in part to humiliate the applicant, they can sometimes be downright dangerous and include acts of abuse.

In some instances, abusers who hold power within these organizations may continue to abuse rookies, lower-status group members, or members of the organization who are vulnerable in some way.

Inmate Abuse

Inmates in jails, prisons, juvenile detention centers, and residential reform schools may be abused by guards, wardens, or their fellow inmates.

Domestic Violence

Children aren’t the only ones who may be abused at home. Many different forms of abuse are often a part of spousal abuse cases and other forms of domestic violence.

Individuals in a physically abusive relationship in Philadelphia may be able to sue an abusive husband, wife, or other domestic partner for the harm the abuse has caused them.

Police Brutality

Abuse by police officers includes the use of excessive force in making arrests, unlawful search and seizure, assaulting those in their custody, and other uses of lethal or unreasonable force in circumstances that don’t warrant such force. Even if only one officer is using excessive force, other officers on the scene may be held accountable for failing to intervene or failing to render necessary medical care.

Clergy Abuse

Victims have suffered abuse perpetrated by those employed by or volunteering with religious organizations, as well as other types of organizations in the community. At times, reports of clergy abuse have involved high-ranking figures and allegations of institutional cover-ups. Although clergy abuse cases are complex and sensitive legal matters, victims can count on Anapol Weiss to assist them with the utmost compassion and professionalism and to stand up to influential institutions that enabled the abuse.

Sexual Abuse

Victims may be able to sue institutions and individuals for abuse of a sexual nature, including sexual assault, rape, and molestation. Institutions may be held accountable for instances of sexual abuse in schools, sports organizations, religious organizations, organized community organizations, workplaces, and medical facilities.

Negligent Hiring and Assault Injuries

Companies spanning various industries can be held responsible for their employees’ behavior while they’re on the clock. That includes instances in which the company negligently hired an employee who then injured a customer, client, vendor, coworker, or motorist.

Contact the Philadelphia Assault Injury Lawyers at Anapol Weiss Today for a Free Case Review

We know how isolating it can be when you’ve become the victim of assault and abuse. That’s why we ensure you don’t have to navigate the legal process alone. With Anapol Weiss on your side and renowned attorney and shareholder Kristen Gibbons Feden leading the practice area, you have someone to turn to for every question you have about the lawsuit process and every concern that arises over the course of your case.

For help from our abuse victims compensation attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, contact us online or call 215-608-9645 today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Civil Lawsuits for Abuse in Pennsylvania