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We Are Lawyers for Lawyers When Appeals Happen

Anapol Weiss provides appellate brief writing in support of consumers whose legal rights are in jeopardy and in very important state and national legal issues which arise to protect every Americans’ right to access to the Civil Justice System. Most lawyers never appear in an appellate court. The skills and labor intense work of doing appellate work requires expertise that we have developed over the years. We help other lawyers either defend what occurred in the lower court or we challenge the legal basis for what the lower court did wrong.

For decades, we have prepared, filed and argued legal issues which have significant impact on the right to a jury trial. After all, jury trials remain a key fundamental right of every citizen. Here are selected examples of our “good” work for Justice.

Williamson v. Mazda Motor Corp.: United States Supreme Court 2011

The United States Supreme Court agreed with Anapol Weiss that Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard giving auto manufacturers choice of installing either simple lap belts or lap-and-shoulder belts on rear inner seats did not pre-empt claims of product defect for failing to provide the best available seatbelt system (lap-shoulder belt instead of just a lap belt.

Ford Motor Company v. Montana Eighth Dist. Court: U.S. Supreme Ct. 2020

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed with Anapol Weiss that vehicle manufacturer must answer in court for the defective design of its car despite the fact that it sold the car new in another state rather than the state where the harm occurred. Jurisdiction exists because the company does extensive business in the forum where the suit was brought.

Mallory v. Norfolk Southern Railway Co. United States Supreme Court 2022

United States Supreme Court agreed with Anapol Weiss that a corporation that registers to do business in the State where they are sued must answer in court even if the injury happened in another State.

Docet v. Chrysler Corporation: Massachusetts Supreme Court 2023

Massachusetts Supreme Court agreed with Anapol Weiss and held that vehicle manufacturer is subject to the court’s jurisdiction to resolve a personal injury claim when the defective car was sold in the State, but the injury occurred in another state.

Sullivan v. Werner Company: Pennsylvania Supreme Court 2023

Pennsylvania Supreme Court agreed with Anapol Weiss that a product manufacture can be found liable for injury when the product is defectively designed and it cannot defend its faulty design with evidence that the poorly designed product met industry or government standards.

Brown v. United States of America: U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals 2024

The Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit agreed with Anapol Weiss that Air Traffic Controllers failure both to instruct the pilot to maintain visual separation and to obtain confirmation from the pilot that he began applying visual separation constituted a breach of duty. Requiring air traffic controllers to follow these procedures imposes a minimal burden yet provides an obvious safety benefit by clearly delineating responsibilities between the pilot and air traffic control during a potentially perilous situation.

Varela v. FCA US LLC: Arizona Supreme Court 2022

Arizona Supreme Court agreed with Anapol Weiss that vehicle manufacturers can be found legally responsible for injury or death when they fail to include collision avoidance technology despite the federal government’s decision to not promulgate regulations governing the performance of this technology.

Kia Motors Corp. v. Ruiz: Texas Supreme Court 2014

Texas Supreme Court agreed with Anapol Weiss that the vehicle manufacturer could not rely on a legal presumption of no defect when the federal standard referenced did not apply to the harm caused to the consumer.

Cooper Tire & Rubber v. McCall: Georgia Supreme Court 2021

Georgia Supreme Court agreed with Anapol Weiss that the out-of-state tire manufacturer was subject to jurisdiction in Georgia for injury caused to an out-of-state resident injured in Georgia. Because Cooper Tire is registered and authorized to do business in Georgia, Cooper Tire is currently subject to the general jurisdiction of our courts.

How Appellate Attorneys Help You Challenge an Erroneous Lower Court Ruling

When a trial court makes a mistake that affects the outcome of your case, you have the right to file an appeal to have an appellate court correct that error and provide you with relief. However, winning an appeal requires thorough legal research and carefully crafting written and oral arguments. Turn to the appellate attorneys at Anapol Weiss for help. Larry E. Coben, a distinguished shareholder at Anapol Weiss, provides clients with diligent advocacy in appeals.

Larry is well-known for his role in providing appellate Amicus Brief support in the United States Supreme Court, consistently advocating for the public’s access to the judicial system. He and his colleagues at Anapol Weiss can help you identify meritorious issues to raise on appeal and craft an effective legal strategy to secure relief from an adverse lower court judgment arising from the trial court’s legal error.

Contact Anapol Weiss today for a confidential consultation to speak with our appellate advocacy team and to learn more about how our firm can assist you with your appeal.