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  • Dealing with Insurance Companies after an Automobile Accident

    Feb 5, 2016

    After an automobile accident occurs, speaking to insurance companies without a lawyer could mean the difference between obtaining justice and compensation and having no legal recourse at all. Insurance adjusters and investigators know time is on their side when one of their drivers caused an automobile accident that hurt someone. While an injured victim is still recovering, the other driver’s insurance company has likely already begun investigating and responding to the accident. Unfortunately, adjusters do not...
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  • The Life-Threatening Consequences of a Cancer Misdiagnosis

    Feb 5, 2016

    A cancer diagnosis is devastating. Unfortunately, patients’ lives and well-being are put in even more danger when a physician fails to diagnose cancer in a timely or correct manner. Treatment is then delayed, which can cost a patient his or her life. Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis The chance of survival is highest when breast cancer is detected at an early stage. Women often do not experience symptoms early on, so it’s the duty of their doctors to find...
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  • What Does a Concussion Look Like?

    Feb 4, 2016

    A person can sustain a concussion any time he or she suffers a bump, blow or jolt to the head or body that results in a quick movement of the head. It’s important that coaches and teammates look out for these injuries and any signs of a concussion that may subsequently occur. A player who sustains a concussion may appear dazed, confused or stunned, according to a concussion guide created by the Centers for Disease Control and...
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  • Dram Shop: Understanding Alcohol Liability Law

    Feb 4, 2016

    Alcohol-related automobile accidents are all too common. Sadly, each year thousands of individuals are killed due to alcohol-related accidents. Individuals injured in an accident caused by an intoxicated person may be able to file a liability claim, also known as a “dram shop claim,” against business establishments that served that person too much alcohol. Pennsylvania law provides that establishments such as bars, taverns, restaurants and social clubs that served that alcohol to a visibly intoxicated individual may...
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  • Responses to Use of Power Morcellators by the FDA, FBI, GOA and Market

    Feb 3, 2016

    The first reference to power morcellators spurring the ongoing controversy was in December 2013 when the Wall Street Journal profiled Dr. Amy Reed, an anesthesiologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Dr. Reed underwent a routine morcellation laparoscopic hysterectomy at Brigham & Women’s Hospital to remove uterine fibroids and discovered – after the surgery – that the mass her surgeons had assumed was benign was in fact leiomyosarcoma. Dr. Reed, who now lives in...
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  • Can I Sue for My Child’s Birth Injury?

    Feb 3, 2016

    Mothers do their best during pregnancy to give their unborn babies the best start possible. They have less control over what happens once labor begins, and they put their baby’s well-being in the hands of physicians, nurses and medical staff. In most cases, babies are not hurt during birth. On some occasions, however, a medical mistake leads to the death or injury of a newborn. What happens next? Can a family file a lawsuit for their...
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  • Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Nationwide Problem

    Feb 2, 2016

    A nursing home should always be a place for seniors to feel safe and protected. Unfortunately, many nursing homes have been found to mistreat some of their residents. In addition to these appalling and inexcusable actions, family and friends may never find out their loved one is being hurt. Elder abuse involves acts by a caregiver that cause harm or put an elderly person’s well-being in jeopardy. Failure to satisfy an elder’s basic needs or to...
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  • Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease

    Feb 2, 2016

    More than 10 percent of adults in the United States have chronic kidney disease (CKD), which involves the gradual loss of kidney function. That’s more than 20 million people with varying stages of the disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There are numerous risk factors and causes of chronic kidney disease, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Approximately one in three adults with diabetes has CKD as well as one...
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  • Power Morcellator Litigation: A Closer Look at Putting Women at Risk

    Feb 1, 2016

    46. The number of cases currently pending in In re Ethicon, Inc. Powel Morcellator Products Liability Litigation (MDL 2652) pending in the District of Kansas (D. Kan. No. 15-md-2652-KHV). 1 in 352. 1 in 368. 1 in 278. These figures represent estimates of the number of women who are at risk of having a deadly cancer spread when undergoing routine gynecological surgeries with a power morcellator. Generally speaking, this is a very high risk, especially considering we are dealing with an...
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  • What is Vehicle Crashworthiness?

    Jan 29, 2016

    Crashworthiness refers to the level of vehicle occupant protection intended to reduce the risk of death and serious injury in the event of an automobile accident. If you were involved in a car wreck, speak to an experienced car accident lawyer today. To continually enhance driver and passenger safety, research programs develop and upgrade test procedures for vehicle design, safety countermeasures, and equipment. Below are a few important aspects of vehicle safety that are involved in...
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