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  • What to Do if You’re a Passenger in a Bus Accident

    Mar 3, 2016

    Passengers who ride on a bus entrust the bus driver and the owner of the bus with their safety and well-being. Unfortunately, thousands of buses are involved in crashes in the U.S. every year. Bus accidents have the potential to be much more complex than crashes involving smaller vehicles. There are more victims involved as well as more responsible parties. Due to the lack of airbags and seat belts on buses, injuries can be much more...
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  • Underscoring TBI Complications during Brain Injury Awareness Month

    Mar 2, 2016

    About 137 people in the U.S. die every day as a result of a TBI-related injury. To help raise awareness and reach out to those living with the effects of TBI, the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) leads the nation in observing March as Brain Injury Awareness Month. This year’s campaign theme is “Not Alone,” which provides an educational platform about the incidence of TBI and the needs of those affected. The campaign also aims...
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  • The Surprising Liability of Carpooling: What Parents Should Know

    Mar 2, 2016

    Arranging a carpool to get the kids to and from school and activities can be a huge timesaver for parents, not to mention the environmental benefits. Before agreeing to transport other people’s children, however, it’s extremely important to take a look at your car insurance to ensure your family is protected. Click here for more crash statistics and to speak to our expert Philadelphia car crash attorneys at Anapol Weiss. Drivers can be sued for acting...
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  • When Can Injured Workers Sue for Pain and Suffering?

    Mar 1, 2016

    Workers compensation laws protect people who have been injured in the workplace. These laws ensure injured employees are given specific benefits to which they are entitled, such as lost wages and medical expenses. This is a claim for benefits, not a lawsuit and does not provide any compensation for pain and suffering. Below are a few benefits injured employees may be able to seek through a workers compensation claim. Medical care bills and related expenses for reasonable...
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  • Women and Heart Disease: Timely Diagnosis is Critical

    Mar 1, 2016

    Some study findings about the prevalence and diagnosis of heart conditions in women may underscore the failure of physicians to appreciate and recognize that women’s complaints are heart-related. Cardiovascular disease, typically manifesting as a myocardial infarction (blockage of one or more of the coronary vessels that supply blood to the heart, commonly referred to as a heart attack) is the leading cause of death in the United States, causing more deaths more than all cancers combined...
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  • Acid Reflux Medications May be Overprescribed

    Feb 29, 2016

    An estimated 15 million Americans use prescription and over-the-counter proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid. However, mounting research has associated these drugs with a number of adverse effects and suggests that the drugs may be overprescribed. PPIs are used to treat and prevent gastric acid-related conditions. The drugs prevent acid production in the stomach by blocking the acid-producing enzyme system in the stomach wall. Lack of stomach acid prevents new ulcers from...
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  • Employers Can Save Lives by Adopting a Safe Driving Policy

    Feb 29, 2016

    A recent Legal Intelligencer article underscored important reasons employers should adopt a mandatory distracted driving policy. Inspired by a presentation given by firm Shareholder Joel Feldman, Jessica L. Mazzeo, a member of the board of directors of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrations, was moved to discuss the unavoidable distractions that come with our everyday technologies. “Responding to emails or text messages while preoccupied is something that has become second nature for all...
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  • Preventing Truck Accidents With Distraction-Free Driving

    Feb 26, 2016

    Distracted driving is a nationwide epidemic that has been estimated to contribute to nine deaths and 1,153 injuries every day. It’s particularly important for truck drivers to avoid driving distracted, as their vehicles have the potential to cause exceptionally devastating crashes. A tractor trailer’s massive size, combined with its numerous blind spots and inability to stop quickly, make it a highly dangerous vehicle on the roadway. Distracted driving is not just limited to cell phone use. In fact,...
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  • Bacterial Meningitis Misdiagnosis: What It Means for Patients

    Feb 25, 2016

    Bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency that requires timely diagnosis and proper medical treatment to prevent death or permanent injury. Diagnosing bacterial meningitis often involves testing the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Imaging tests such as a CT-scan may help diagnose the disease by showing inflammation in the head, and an x-ray of the chest or sinuses may indicate the presence of an infection. Bacterial meningitis can be...
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  • Three Common Types of Trucking Accidents

    Feb 25, 2016

    The sheer size and weight of many commercial vehicles cause them to be extremely dangerous when crashes occur. Sadly, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reported that in 2013, 3,541 crashes involving large trucks and buses resulted in fatality and 69,000 crashes involved nonfatal injury. Three common incidents in tractor trailer crashes include jackknifing, rollovers, and underride collisions. All three are complex events that are often caused as a result of driver error, unusual road problems,...
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