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  • Airbag Injuries Caused by Unnecessary Deployment

    Apr 28, 2016

    Airbags save lives every day. However, motorists can be killed or severely injured when an airbag malfunctions and unnecessarily deploys. In addition to severe abrasions and burns, a person can sustain permanent eye damage, neck injuries and more. Further, a driver-side airbag that deploys while the vehicle is in motion endangers vehicle occupants as well as the people nearby on the road. Some of the most deadly airbag injuries are not immediately visible. A study published...
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  • Can I File a Slip and Fall Lawsuit for Injuries on Stairs?

    Apr 27, 2016

    Stairs in any type of building, whether it’s commercial or residential, can present serious hazards if they are not well maintained. When a property owner fails to take care of these dangerous conditions and a person is injured, victims may be able to seek justice and compensation through slip and fall lawsuits. Did you know that slips and falls are the most common workplace injuries? Check out the top 10 slip and fall hazards in the...
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  • Anapol Weiss Vaccine Injury Lawyers Negotiate $2.05 Million for Victim

    Apr 27, 2016

    Vaccine injury lawyers with Anapol Weiss successfully negotiated $2.05 million in compensation on behalf of a man who suffered a rare and debilitating reaction to a flu vaccine. Anapol Weiss’s client was a healthy and hardworking man who bred and trained horses with his wife until a rare vaccine reaction suddenly rendered him disabled. Within 24 hours of receiving a flu vaccine, he began to experience mild weakness in his hands, severe pain in his wrists, thumbs,...
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  • Parents of Teen Drivers: Safety Tips to Avoid an Auto Collision

    Apr 26, 2016

    Teenagers have the highest crash rate of any group in the U.S. In fact, 963,000 drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 were involved in police-reported motor vehicle crashes in 2013, which resulted in 383,000 injuries and 2,865 deaths, according to a report by AAA. Parents can be proactive in protecting their children and encouraging safe driving. Below are a few important tips to get started. Choose a Safe Car The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)...
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  • Hospital Inpatient Falls: Medical Malpractice vs. Slip and Fall Lawsuits

    Apr 25, 2016

    A patient can be badly hurt in a fall in the hospital. Injuries from falling can exacerbate the preexisting condition, or it can cause a whole new set of health problems. Depending on the circumstances of the patient’s injury, negligence could be to blame. A falling incident could be a “slip and fall” injury or a medical malpractice issue. Falls that are unrelated to a patient’s condition – such as slipping on a wet floor that...
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  • Is Patient Abandonment a Medical Malpractice Issue?

    Apr 22, 2016

    Patient abandonment refers to a situation in which a health care provider terminates a relationship with a patient, fails to provide a reasonable excuse or notice, and fails to assist in selecting a qualified replacement provider. In certain situations, patients who were abandoned and suffered injuries may have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit. There are a few general elements of patient abandonment cases: The doctor and patient have established a relationship. The patient was abandoned while he...
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  • 775k Settlement Obtained in Liquor Liability Motorcycle Accident Case

    Apr 21, 2016

    Anapol Weiss Partner Miriam Barish recently obtained a $775,000 settlement on behalf of the estate of a 29-year-old man who was killed in a single motorcycle accident after being continuously served alcoholic beverages while visibly intoxicated. To the shock of numerous eyewitnesses, the staff at a bar in Chester County Pa. continuously over served her visibly intoxicated client, and then allowed him to leave on a motorcycle despite exhibiting obvious signs of impairment. Tragically, he was...
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  • Jobs that May Involve Asbestos Exposure

    Apr 21, 2016

    Asbestos exposure has been primarily associated with industrial occupations, namely the mining and milling of raw asbestos and the construction, manufacture and use of asbestos-containing products. Substantial asbestos exposure peaked during the 1960s and 1970s and then declined as regulations were put in place to protect workers. During exposure, tiny asbestos fibers can enter and remain in the lungs for life. The long latency period of asbestos side effects can be 40 years or more. As a...
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  • Three Things to Know about Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice Rules

    Apr 20, 2016

    Certain Pennsylvania laws can affect the outcome of a person’s medical malpractice claim – and even whether that claim can be filed at all. Below are three important rules that apply to Pennsylvania medical malpractice cases. 1. Time Limits for Filing a Medical Malpractice Claim Statutes of limitations limit the amount of time person has to file a lawsuit. In Pennsylvania, the deadline to file a medical malpractice claim is two years after the date the plaintiff...
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  • Time Limits for Filing a Product Liability Lawsuit

    Apr 20, 2016

    People injured by defective products must act quickly to protect their legal rights, as there are strict deadlines for filing a lawsuit. Each state has a statute of limitations that limits the amount of time an injured person has to file a product liability lawsuit. Individuals who do not file product liability personal injury lawsuit within that time frame will be barred from seeking justice, regardless of the injuries they have sustained. Below are a few...
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