- Helmets: Protecting The Brain
Aug 4, 2021
Can More Be Done in the Design of Helmets to Reduce the Risk of Head Injury? The Answer to the Question is Frustratingly Simple: Yes. To understand how helmet safety can be improved, we first need to understand how the brain is concussed or more seriously injured. Brain injury, which runs the gamut from a low-level injury (e.g., sub-concussive) to the gravest of injuries (e.g., major bleeding throughout the brain and/or diffuse injury to the axons),...Read More - Autonomous Vehicles—Collision Avoidance Technology
Aug 4, 2021
Making It Easier and Safer: How Should The Civil Justice System Respond? In 1968, Herbie was the star of a movie called The Love Bug. Herbie was a fictionalized version of what the auto industry and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration now call “autonomous” or “driverless vehicles.” Over the years, movie goers and TV audiences have laughed, cheered and marveled at similar cars in the Batman series, I Robot, the Minority Report and the Knight Rider...Read More - Corporations Are Subject to Product Liability Suit in States Where They Market Their Products
Aug 4, 2021
Holding Multi-National and Interstate Corporations Subject To Suit In The States Where They Market Their Products Is Appropriate. When the defendant’s product—designed and sold outside the Commonwealth—is used in the forum state while in a defective condition (that existed when it was first released into the stream of commerce) and the injury occurs in the forum, the tort has “arisen out of or relates to” the defendant’s activities, and jurisdiction lies in the Commonwealth. The location...Read More - Pennsylvania Products Liability Law and The Consumer Expectation Test of Defect
Aug 4, 2021
Protecting Consumers From Defective Products Every day, millions of Pennsylvanians purchase or use products designed, manufactured and distributed by companies yearning for a profit and distributing their goods across this country. Whether the product is as simple as a ladder or a helmet, or as complex as a motor vehicle filled with electronic gadgetry, we all depend upon these consumer goods to meet our expectations, providing the benefit for which they are marketed. And, when a...Read More - Distracted Driving: Teens, You Don’t Have to Drive Like Your Parents
Jul 14, 2021
It’s sad that I need to implore teens not to drive like their moms and dads, but it is necessary. Parents are texting, Snapchatting, accessing Facebook, eating, applying makeup, and putting in contact lenses while driving with their most precious cargo: their children. Over the past month, I have spoken with more than 2,000 teens across the country about distraction-free driving, including Connecticut, Florida, Colorado and Washington D.C. More than 80 percent of those students confirmed...Read More - Philips CPAP/Bi-PAP Recall Lawsuit
Jul 13, 2021
Notice: Thank you for visiting our informational page regarding Philips CPAP/Bi-PAP Recall claims. At this time we are no longer accepting cases regarding Philips CPAP/Bi-PAP cases. However, if you feel that you have any questions about other defective medical devices, dangerous drugs, recalls, or any additional legal concerns that we may help you with, please call us or fill out the evaluation form. Philips has recalled millions of Respironics CPAP, Bi-level PAP, and mechanical ventilator breathing...Read More - 7 Most Common Defenses to Product Liability Claims
May 3, 2021
Defenses to product liability claims are employed by companies to avoid paying out damages in the event of a personal injury lawsuit. The act of filing a claim for product liability can seem daunting. After suffering an injury through no fault of their own, many victims are then faced with the stress of rapidly accumulating medical bills, painful recovery, and the prospect of taking on a larger legal team backed by deep corporate pockets. With...Read More - How to Find the Personal Injury Lawyer Who Will Win Your Case
Apr 9, 2021
Understanding how to find a personal injury lawyer is important to protecting your rights and getting the full compensation you need to rebuild your life after an injury. Finding the right attorney is one of the biggest factors in ensuring the success of a personal injury claim or lawsuit, but that can be easier said than done. After you are injured, you may be inundated with calls, ads, targets social media campaigns, and other forms...Read More - Personal Injury Settlements Guide: Average Settlement Amounts & What Affects Payment Amounts
Mar 12, 2021
A personal injury settlement can help you recover from the financial, mental, and physical toll a serious injury can have. It can be difficult to know how much to ask for in a personal injury settlement. Whether you’re afraid you’re asking for too much or not enough, an experienced Philadelphia personal injury attorney can help you understand your options and protect your rights. While every case is different and based on a unique situation, that...Read More - The Reasonable Person Standard When it Comes to Negligence
Feb 26, 2021
The reasonable person standard is a key factor in any negligence case. It provides the basis for actions that should have been taken by the defendant, helping to illustrate their liability. While in many cases an example of a reasonable person standard seems like common sense, in others it relies on a careful understanding of the position the defendant was in and the context surrounding the negligent action. Understanding this principle will help you have...Read More