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Cement Truck Accident Guide: Common Causes, Claims Processes, and Settlements Explained

By: Anapol Weiss

A cement truck accident can be devastating, resulting in property damage, injuries, and even loss of life. Cement truck accidents are more common than many people think, in large part because they so often find themselves sharing city roads with personal vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians.

Due to their large size and heavy weight, concrete truck accidents, on or off the construction site, can be catastrophic, but they’re all the more tragic because, too often, these collisions were avoidable.

Why A Cement Truck Accident is So Devastating

Cement trucks are large commercial vehicles, much larger than most of the vehicles around them. They’re also unique for holding egg-shaped containers above their rear axles. Open on one end, this container holds the concrete or cement they’re delivering.

The truck itself weighs between 20,000 and 30,000 pounds, and the cement it carries can add up to 40,000 additional pounds. This cement weight sits higher to allow its storage cylinder to rotate and keep the cement mixing and moving so it doesn’t begin to harden, giving cement trucks a higher center of gravity.

A higher center of gravity means it needs special care around corners. The spinning cylinder also means that there is a constantly shifting weight that, if not properly maintained, can affect the balance of the vehicle. In addition, these trucks frequently have tools necessary for concrete work, such as chute extensions, shovels, or rakes, that must be properly secured or they may come loose and contribute to concrete truck accidents.

Cement Truck Accident Liability

Cement truck accidents can be more complex and difficult to investigate than some other commercial vehicle accidents because there are several parties potentially liable for the wreck.

The Driver

Only specially licensed drivers who have had the right training should be behind the wheel of the cement truck where they operate based on laws and regulations passed down from the federal and state level. If they operate outside these safety guidelines, by driving while drowsy, distracted, or in a manner that is not reasonably safe, they may be at fault for the accident.

The Company

If the company fails to hire qualified drivers or doesn’t ensure they’ve had the proper training, they could also be at fault for the wreck. It’s also their responsibility to ensure they have the policies in place to promote safe transport practices and that the vehicles they put on the road are safe to operate.

The Mechanic

Cutting corners to keep vehicles on the road could leave the person or business that works on the vehicle at fault for an accident. If a commercial vehicle isn’t repaired or maintained properly, it can contribute to an accident.

The Manufacturer

Putting safe commercial vehicles on the road requires precision engineering. If the manufacturer of the cement truck or parts used on it put out defective products, they may be responsible for a concrete truck’s accident.

The Victim

You can be partially responsible for a cement truck accident and still be entitled to compensation for your injuries and property damage if one of the other parties were liable as well.

When you file a claim, the judge or jury will also determine who and to what extent fault lies via the pure comparative negligence rule. It’s just one aspect of your claim that can prove vital to getting the help you need to get back on your feet.

How To Protect Your Rights After A Cement Truck Accident

After you’ve gotten the immediate, life-saving medical treatment after a wreck (if required) your focus should turn to ensuring you have the best chance possible of being compensated for the damages you’ve incurred.

  • Document the Scene of the Accident – Pictures and video document the aftermath of an accident. Look for skid marks, damage done to all involved vehicles, and the conditions of the road in the area.
  • Contact a Personal Injury Attorney – Getting experienced legal help as soon as possible is not only vital to building a claim that is more likely to succeed but helps ensure you don’t sign away your rights or give a recorded statement that hurts your case. From settlements that trucking or insurance companies try to get you to sign to promises to pay out of your pocket for medical treatment, your lawyer can help make sure your case isn’t damaged and can try to help arrange for proper care with payment coming from eventual claim proceeds.
  • Begin Your Medical Treatments For Recovery – Working with doctors and therapists helps identify injuries you’ve received and begins the documentation process for your road to rehabilitation. Remember to keep a copy of your medical records and any bills you receive related to the accident, including emergency room visits, ambulance rides, therapy, and vehicle repairs.
  • Keep Personal Records Of Your Recovery – As you work to rebuild your life, journals, pictures, and home videos not only show your good-faith effort to heal but also how much your injuries have impacted your formerly healthy lifestyle. While missed wages are easy to quantify, pain, suffering, PTSD, and loss of enjoyment from being able to be an active part of your family don’t come with a set value, and these personal records can help judges and juries see the impact.

Get A Free Consultation With An Experienced Attorney

It’s time for you to get the fair financial compensation you need to put your life back together, and it doesn’t cost anything to get started. Contact Anapol Weiss to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury attorney who will be ready to help you file a claim after your cement truck accident. They’ll work to understand the specifics of your case and make it their cause to negotiate on your behalf with the parties at fault and take it to court if necessary.

Filing a personal injury claim doesn’t have to be complicated, and you don’t have to suffer in silence, accepting whatever the defendants offer. Call Anapol Weiss today and get the professional legal help you need.


Anapol Weiss

Anapol Weiss is a top-rated national personal injury firm with a reputation for winning big. Our trial attorneys are leaders in medical malpractice, women's health litigation, personal injury, and mass torts cases. As a female majority-owned firm with a deep bench of experienced, determined trial attorneys, we are compassionate with our clients and fierce in the courtroom.