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Blog: Personal Injury

  • Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Nationwide Problem

    Feb 2, 2016

    A nursing home should always be a place for seniors to feel safe and protected. Unfortunately, many nursing homes have been found to mistreat some of their residents. In addition to these appalling and inexcusable actions, family and friends may never find out their loved one is being hurt. Elder abuse involves acts by a caregiver that cause harm or put an elderly person’s well-being in jeopardy. Failure to satisfy an elder’s basic needs or to...
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  • Is My Parent a Victim of Nursing Home Abuse?

    Jan 28, 2016

    It’s painful to think that a loved one could be suffering from pain at the hands of his or her caregiver. Unfortunately, a staggering number of abuse, neglect and exploitation cases go undetected each year despite mandatory elder abuse reporting laws in most states. An intentional act by a caregiver or another trusted person that harms or creates a risk of harm to an elderly person is considered elder abuse. Elder abuse can take many forms,...
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  • The Potentially Deadly Effects of Second Impact Syndrome

    Jan 21, 2016

    Second impact syndrome is a rare but potentially fatal condition that can result after a second concussion occurs while the brain is still healing from a previous concussion. Second impact syndrome involves brain swelling and bleeding that leads to permanent brain damage or death. It can occur up to several weeks after a concussion diagnosis, according to an article by the University of Washington Medicine. Symptoms of second impact syndrome are similar to concussion symptoms, but...
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  • What is a Negligent Security Lawsuit?

    Jan 19, 2016

    Owners of property and businesses have a duty to protect their customers and tenants on their premises from unreasonable dangers including criminal acts. An injured person is able to bring a negligent security suit based on the duty imposed on landowners and possessors of property to offer reasonable security measures and protect lawful visitors from foreseeable crimes of third parties. Negligent security assumes that the crime could have been prevented or at least made less likely...
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  • Concussion Causes

    Dec 22, 2015

    Anyone can sustain a concussion. Aside from concussions that happen in sports, people can suffer severe head injuries in a number of ways. Concussion causes include: Amusement park injuries Assault Bicycle accidents Falls Product defects Auto accidents Playground injuries Any event that causes a blow or jolt to the head can result in a concussion. Car Accident Concussions A vehicle collision can result in a concussion when the impact causes a person’s head to whip back and forth or make contact with a hard surface such...
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  • What is Asbestos?

    Dec 8, 2015

    Asbestos is a mined mineral that has been used for insulation for more than 100 years. Asbestos fibers can travel to a person’s lungs and cause deadly cancers, scarring and painful breathing difficulties. Despite the suffering and deaths of about 10,000 of people every year, companies that sold asbestos products continued to sell it for more than 100 years. Aside from a few anomalies, mesothelioma is caused only by asbestos. About eight people die every day from...
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