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Blog: Personal Injury

  • Can I Get Workers’ Comp Benefits for PTSD?

    Mar 15, 2019

    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a medical condition that affects a person’s psychiatric health. It can stem from surviving or witnessing a traumatic event, such as a car accident or criminal attack. PTSD can cause debilitating symptoms such as intense anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, panic attacks, depression, and trouble sleeping. If an employee in Pennsylvania develops PTSD after a work-related accident or event, that person may be able to obtain workers’ compensation benefits for related damages. An...
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  • Is Pennsylvania a Comparative Negligence State?

    Mar 1, 2019

    Two main negligence concepts exist in personal injury law: contributory negligence and comparative negligence. Contributory negligence bars an injured person, or plaintiff, from any damage award if he or she contributed to the injuries at all. Comparative negligence laws, on the other hand, aim to compensate the plaintiff for at least partial damages, according to his or her percentage of fault. Most states abide by comparative negligence laws. Within the legal concept of comparative negligence are...
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  • Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

    Jan 17, 2019

    Sadly, nursing home abuse is a very common issue in Philadelphia. Unfortunately, many nursing home residents may be hesitant or unable to report nursing home abuse or neglect. As a result, family members and loved ones should be aware of the warning signs or red flags that might signify a problem. If you suspect nursing home neglect, speak to a nursing home abuse attorney in Philadelphia as soon as possible. A general decline of health, related...
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  • Dangers of Dockless Scooters in Philadelphia

    Jan 5, 2019

    Dockless, or electric, scooters from sharing companies such as Bird and Lime may soon become a mainstay on Philadelphia streets. While the companies advertise their scooters as safe and eco-friendly ways to commute around town, they have also become a dangerous nuisance. Reports from other states of abandoned units on sidewalks and users illegally operating the scooters have many citizens worried about what will happen when dockless scooters arrive on the scene in 2019. Unfortunately, like...
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  • Taxotere Permanent Hair Loss Risk May Have Been Known to Manufacturer

    Aug 16, 2016

    Taxotere Docetaxel is a popular chemotherapy drug manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis and approved by the FDA in 1996. Docetaxel interferes with the growth and spread of cancer cells and is one of the most popularly used drugs to treat breast cancer but has also been used to treat lung, prostate, stomach and head/neck cancers. This medication is always administered intravenously. Although hair loss is a common side effect of chemotherapy, Taxotere hair loss can be permanent, a...
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  • Tesla Model S under Review for Possible Suspension Issue and “Troublesome Nondisclosure Agreement”

    Jun 23, 2016

    Federal regulators are looking into a potential suspension defect in Tesla’s Model S sedan and whether the company asked customers to sign a confidentiality agreement regarding the issue. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is reviewing reports of a potential suspension control arm defect in the Model S, which may cause drivers to lose steering control. The agency has received more than 30 complaints of suspension components breaking since October, and it is examining possible...
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  • 5 Questions to Help Your Family Avoid Nursing Home Negligence

    Jun 20, 2016

    The decision to put a loved one in a nursing home is a difficult one, and families sometimes struggle to figure out where to start. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse statistics show that hundreds of thousands of seniors suffer from nursing home negligence and nursing home abuse every year. It is important to thoroughly vet a nursing home before choosing it. The following questions can help you to narrow down your search: Is this nursing home easily...
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  • How a Class Action Lawsuit Made Contact Sports Safer

    Jun 13, 2016

    Medical research in the 1990s and 2000s examined whether concussions (especially repetitive concussions) could result in cognitive impairment years later. Former football players developed dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease years or even decades before the average age in the general population. Researchers named these losses Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), formerly known as “punch-drunk.” CTE can only be diagnosed after death through an autopsy of the brain. Retired football players may develop cognitive defects associated...
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  • Fatal Motorcycle Statistics Show 10 Percent increase in 2015

    Jun 3, 2016

    As thousands of motorcycles hit the road again in the warm months to come, alarming data about fatal motorcycle accidents underscores a serious safety concern. More than 5,000 people were killed on motorcycles 2015, according to preliminary data provided by the Governors Highway Safety Association’s (GHSA) state highway safety offices. The data, published in Motorcyclist Traffic Fatalities by State: 2015 Preliminary Data, represent an estimated 10 percent increase compared with 2014 – which equates to more...
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  • How Do I Know if My Insurance Company Acted in Bad Faith?

    Jun 2, 2016

    People choose their insurance policies carefully based on numerous factors; not least of which are the benefits they would receive in the event they need to file a claim. Subscribers then rightfully expect their insurance company to adequately and efficiently back them up when something unexpected happens. Insurance companies are required under Pennsylvania law to willingly pay claims properly and promptly. This means accepting and paying a valid claim in a reasonable amount of time. However,...
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