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Blog: Car Accident

  • Dealing with Insurance Companies after an Automobile Accident

    Feb 5, 2016

    After an automobile accident occurs, speaking to insurance companies without a lawyer could mean the difference between obtaining justice and compensation and having no legal recourse at all. Insurance adjusters and investigators know time is on their side when one of their drivers caused an automobile accident that hurt someone. While an injured victim is still recovering, the other driver’s insurance company has likely already begun investigating and responding to the accident. Unfortunately, adjusters do not...
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  • What is Vehicle Crashworthiness?

    Jan 29, 2016

    Crashworthiness refers to the level of vehicle occupant protection intended to reduce the risk of death and serious injury in the event of an automobile accident. If you were involved in a car wreck, speak to an experienced car accident lawyer today. To continually enhance driver and passenger safety, research programs develop and upgrade test procedures for vehicle design, safety countermeasures, and equipment. Below are a few important aspects of vehicle safety that are involved in...
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  • Prevent Automobile Accidents by Prepping for the Winter Driving Season

    Jan 4, 2016

    There are always dangers on the roadways, but traffic fatalities surge during this time of year as road conditions worsen. During winter driving season, all drivers should remember to exercise caution and prepare themselves and their cars for any potentially hazardous weather to come. CNN reported more than 7,600 people died in auto accidents in the U.S. during the first quarter of 2012. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has estimated that drivers are...
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  • Driving Safety Tips for New Year’s Eve Travelers

    Dec 31, 2015

    Every year, holiday celebrations bring about increased congestion on the roads, and drivers must be even more diligent to stay safe and avoid car accidents. The National Safety Council (NSC) estimated last year that more than 400 deaths and 45,000 injuries requiring medical attention may occur during the New Year’s holiday season. To stay safe on the road this New Year’s Eve, the NSC offers the following tips: Buckle up during every trip. When driving, avoid using electronic...
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  • Prevent Auto Accidents this New Year’s Eve

    Dec 30, 2015

    As another New Year’s Eve celebration approaches, it’s important to remember that irresponsible driving can lead to tragedy. December has been named National Impaired Driving Prevention Month to combat the staggering percentage of traffic fatalities involving drunk, drugged or distracted driving during the holidays. This awareness campaign provides a great reminder for drivers to think responsibly before getting behind the wheel this season. During Christmas and New Year’s holidays, two to three times more people die...
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  • Anapol Weiss Partner Suggests the Gift of Safety This Holiday

    Dec 24, 2015

    Joel Feldman thinks safety is one of the best presents parents can give their children this holiday season. In an opinion piece published by the Huffington Post, the Anapol Weiss partner writes that this the perfect time of year to commit to driving safer and modeling distraction-free driving for your kids. The issue of distracted driving is one that is close to Joel’s heart. He and his wife, Dianne Anderson, started to educate the public about...
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  • Safety Factors to Consider when Shopping for a New Vehicle

    Dec 16, 2015

    When shopping for a new vehicle, bearing in mind safety performance is important for individuals and families alike. Below are a few factors to consider when selecting a new vehicle. Weight Matters Typically, a heavier vehicle will provide more protection. The most important safety features are those that reduce forces imposed on the body in the event of a collision. These components can be the structure of the vehicle itself – if it is designed to resist...
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  • Think It’s Safe to Text when Stopped at Traffic Lights?

    Nov 10, 2015

    Think again. The distracting effect of using electronic devices persists even after we stop their use. It is a rare distracted driving presentation in which someone does not tell me that they don’t drive distracted because they limit texting, Snapchat or Instagram to times when they are stopped in traffic. They reason that since they are stopped, it has to be safe. What could be wrong with looking away from the road at your smart phone...
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