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Blog: Car Accident

  • How to Deal with Insurance Companies after a Car Accident

    Jan 3, 2020

    Obtaining an insurance settlement is not always easy after an auto accident in Philadelphia. Insurance companies want to spend as little as possible – or nothing at all – to settle claims. An insurance claims adjuster could use many different tactics to dispute liability for an auto accident. If an insurer tries any of these strategies during your car accident case, contact a Philadelphia car accident attorney for assistance. Comparative Negligence Comparative negligence is the assertion that...
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  • What Happens in an Uber Accident?

    Dec 4, 2019

    Due to the increase in popularity of ridesharing services, there have been more people utilizing apps like Uber for the ease of transportation. When we ride in an Uber, we expect a safe ride. However, we do understand that accidents happen whether it’s the Uber driver or another driver’s fault. So, what happens if you are in an Uber and an accident happens? If you have been involved in a rideshare accident, speak to our...
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  • Damages Available in Personal Injury Cases

    Dec 4, 2019

    When you are injured due to another person’s negligence and are looking to purse a personal injury case, there are different damages you may be entitled to recover. The plaintiff who receives damages from the negligent party may be able to receive economic or non-economic damages depending on the severity of their injury. It is recommended to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney in Philadelphia immediately following your injury so that all documentation can be...
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  • The Step-by-Step Personal Injury Claims Process

    Dec 4, 2019

    A personal injury case is a legal dispute that occurs when one party endures an injury due to the negligence of another. The goal of filing a personal injury lawsuit is to recover compensation for the alternate party’s wrongful act that is responsible for the injury. In Philadelphia, if you are filing a personal injury claim, the statute of limitations states you have two years from the time of the incident to file your claim against...
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  • Common Injuries in Car Accidents

    Dec 4, 2019

    Over three million people are injured in car accidents every year in the United States. Each car accident has different variables that can impact the level of severity if an injury occurs. For example, was each person involved wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident? What angle and speed did one car hit another or hit an object? These factors will weigh heavily into determining how severe an injury will be. Some injuries...
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  • An Overview of Common Vehicle Defects

    Dec 4, 2019

    Most people who have a vehicle depend on it to transport themselves and their family members to activities and work each day. We rely on our automobiles to function properly each day without fault. Whenever we do experience car issues, which defects are most common and how are these defects dealt with? If you have been injured by a vehicle defect, you may be eligible for compensation. For more information, contact our local car accident...
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  • Is Pennsylvania a “No Fault” Accident State?

    Oct 30, 2019

    Pennsylvania is one of 12 states who utilize ‘no fault’ accident system. Within this system, they are one of the select few who employ “choice no fault,” in which a driver can essentially “opt out” of no-fault insurance. For more information on your specific case, speak to a car accident lawyer in Philadelphia. What is a “Choice No Fault” System? In a choice no fault state, Pennsylvania drivers have the option of purchasing full tort or limited...
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  • What is PIP Insurance in Pennsylvania?

    Oct 30, 2019

    Pennsylvania may have set of unique laws regarding insurance coverage, but it is largely a no-fault state – those who are involved in an accident file a claim with their own insurance provider, regardless of who is at fault. In order to help facilitate this system, personal injury protection (PIP) insurance coverage is legally required by the state for all licensed drivers. What is PIP Insurance? Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance coverage helps cover a driver’s personal medical...
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  • Who is at Fault in a Lane Change Accident?

    Oct 30, 2019

    Driving can be dangerous even if you are following all traffic rules. Unfortunately, there is no way to ensure other drivers on the road will abide by the same rules. Driving accidents are inevitable, but when it comes to lane changing accidents, there are a few elements that can make determining who is at fault a little tricky. If you have been involved in a lane change accident, contact our Philadelphia car accident attorneys for...
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  • Penalties for Driving Without Insurance in Pennsylvania

    Oct 30, 2019

    Every driver who operates a vehicle on the roads in Pennsylvania are required to have car insurance. Unfortunately, not every driver abides by this rule and runs the risk of serious financial penalties if caught. The state of Pennsylvania requires each driver to purchase a minimum of $5,000 for medical benefits, $15,000 for bodily injury (per person), $30,000 bodily injury per accident and $5,000 for property damage. These medical benefits and liability insurance coverages required...
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