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Depo-Provera Lawsuits: Pfizer Hid the Ugly Truth from Women

By: Kila Baldwin, Anapol Weiss Shareholder

Kila Baldwin is one of the leaders of the Anapol Weiss Women's Health Litigation Team. Kila is currently investigating cases of women who used Depo-Provera and developed brain or spinal cord tumors (meningiomas).

Lifestyle drugs are medications prescribed not to treat an illness, but rather to help in your lifestyle. Millions of women for decades have taken prescribed birth control medications to avoid getting pregnant. There are other non-drug alternatives, like condoms, but taking a contraceptive was marketed as easier and something that would avoid mistakes that could lead to unwanted pregnancy.

However, drug manufacturers like Pfizer hid the ugly truth from women. Some birth controls are horribly dangerous, and could threaten the lives of young women who take them. Depo-Provera is an intramuscular injection that was given to women starting in 1992 as a form of birth control. It was promoted as being the easy choice, as women only had to get a shot every 3 months, rather than remembering to take a pill daily.

One in five women have used Depo-Provera to prevent conception. One in five. That means millions and millions of women have used it, thinking it was safe.

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Depo-Provera Linked to Tumor Risk

But Depo-Provera is linked to an approximately 5-6% increased risk of meningiomas, benign tumors that grow in the brain and spine. While meningiomas are benign, they grow slowly over time, and when they get large enough, require serious neurosurgeries for removal, which have their own risks. And surgeries might not be enough to remove them - women might also have undergo other treatments like radiation.

Drug manufacturers should not market and promote lifestyle medications that introduce these risks into women’s lives without fully warning them what they are getting in to. In some cases, mothers encouraged their daughters to take Depo-Provera to avoid unwanted pregnancies, not knowing the dangers they were introducing to their daughters.

Pfizer Will Fight Accountability

I have personally tried cases against large drug and pharmaceutical manufacturers, and know they will fight tooth and nail to defend their products, despite Pfizer already admitting they knew the risk. At Anapol Weiss we are on the forefront of the science as it develops about the risks of meningiomas from Depo-Provera, and look forward to finding justice for women who were injured by this dangerous drug.

Kila BaldwinKila Baldwin


Kila Baldwin, Anapol Weiss Shareholder

Kila Baldwin, a partner at Anapol Weiss, excels in litigating complex cases involving catastrophic injuries, medical malpractice, and mass torts. With a strong record of multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements, she is a fierce advocate for clients, driven by a commitment to achieve justice for those harmed by negligence or defective products.